Customer-consumer satisfaction measurement form

Dear Customer :

To provide better services to you, we would like to know your opinion about our products and services. Please express your opinion in relation to the above content by checking one of the following criteria.

Thanks to Sophia Tea Company

Is this your first time using the company's products?
1- How is the quality of Sofiansian products compared to other competitors?
2- What is the taste, flavor and aroma of Sophia products?
3- Is the ease of communication with Sofia's customer unit appropriate?
4- What is the variety of the company's products?
5- What is your opinion about the price of the company's products?
6- What is the type of packaging of Sofia Company products?
7- Is the information on the packaging (product information, nutrition specifications, storage conditions, etc.) appropriate?
8- What is your opinion about the availability and ease of preparation of Sofia Company products?
9- What is the uniformity of the quality of Sophia products?
10- What is your opinion about the information and advertisements of Sofia Company?